Freelance anthro artist, UK Based
Terms of Services
PLEASE NOTE: The client is expected to read and understand the following Terms of Services prior to entering an agreement with the artist.
Upon entering a commission agreement the client also confirms their full acceptance of these terms.
My working hours are 9am - 5:30pm Monday to Thursday UK time.
(I reserve Fridays for personal projects, potential days to stream or for days to create designs/YCHs to be put up for offer)
I do not work on bank holiday days in the UK, I will advise this ahead of time as I understand holiday days vary country to country.
Please respect these business hours as I require scheduled down time from art and to allocate quality time with my fiancé. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.
• Commission slots will be limited during openings; to ensure manageable work-load for the artist and ensure efficiency on delivery to the client.
• Comprehensive full-body reference images must be provided - showing ALL required colours and markings for artist to work with.
Description references are not currently accepted.
• Payment must be provided in FULL and UPFRONT.
(Payment plans may be discussed for commission values of £200+)
• All payments are made ONLY via Paypal invoices
• All payments are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE (unless agreed otherwise IN WRITING with the artist)
• I (the artist) will always try to work in payment order; however this may be deviated from in cases where it is more efficient and beneficial to work to the contrary - such as in the case of clearing smaller YCH work over larger scenes.
• In relation to previous point - for new projects accepted in a new round of commission openings; any unfinished projects from the previous commission openings WILL BE PRIORITISED over newer projects.
• The client will be provided a Trello card link upon confirmation of commission agreement - this will allow client to track the progress of their commission.
The artists Trello queue is maintained and updated daily (except on weekends).
• The client is entitled to a single-chance request for any changes required at sketch approval stage. At final approval stage the client may request colour/marking only changes.
• The artist reserves the right to terminate a commission agreement for any reason - in the event of this occurring the client will be refunded in full.
• The artist reserves the right to re-purpose any partially completed work produced prior to an agreement termination.
Upon complete refund the client no longer retains any right to the WIP piece(s).
• The artist reserves the right to post finished work to their socials and portfolio (the client can request to be anonymous should they wish, please communicate this prior to commission completion).
In cases of "surprise gift" commissions - please communicate this within the form or prior to commission completion, public posting of the finished commission can be delayed until the final recipient has been notified.
• The client does not have the right to alter any artwork received or to redistribute for personal profit (including commercial use, unless discussed and agreed for an additional commercial rights surcharge).
• Completed work should take no longer than 8 weeks - I normally work quite efficiently and try to maintain good turn around times, however due to a chronic illness that my partner suffers from there may be days that I have to commit time to provide additional support to him; in turn this can cause unexpected delays in work. Please kindly keep this in mind and your understanding is deeply appreciated.
• I will always be understanding of situations and provide ample time for response where necessary; however, repeated lack of response (or just straight up ghosting) will result in you being black-listed. It is extremely unpleasant to have the prospect of business with an individual only to be completely left without a word; and these are not individuals I anticipate to do business with again.
commission types & prices
Please read through to understand pricing and any additional details necessary
Order form can be found here once ready to order (provided my commissions are currently open)
"Litol" Page Dolls (£18 each)
"Simplistic Shading" Headshot Style (£30 each)
Symmetrical Headshot (£40 each)
Chibi (£55 each)
A second OC can be ordered in the same piece, additional OC is £50.
"Emotive" Bust (£60 each)
These are highly detailed bust pieces, where alot of focus will be on dramatic lighting through shading and highlighting. Background will not be intricate but will add to the overall ambience of the piece.
These will be created ideally with a song provided from the client to draw inspiration in order for the bust piece to convey the emotion influenced from the supplied song.
Half-Bodies (£70 each)
Please read through to understand pricing and any additional details necessary
Order form can be found here once ready to order (provided my commissions are currently open)
Additional figures/OCs are £50 each
Hand Drawn Background Additional £30-£50 (Subject to complexity of desired BG)
Full Bodies (£90 each)
Additional figures/OCs are £60 each
Hand Drawn Background Additional £30-£50 (Subject to complexity of desired BG)
Pay What You Want (PWYW) (Starts at £100, max £400)
If you would like something that's much more experimental and a bit of a surprise for yourself I will be doing PWYW commissions!
Depending on amount paid (and any input from yourself of what you are looking for) they may be a highly detailed scene piece or a sketch page of your OC.
Payment plans can be discussed for these at values of £200+ however progress will not begin until full amount is paid.
Mech Style Full Body (£150+)
Complexity charge of £30 for complex designs
I ask for full artistic freedom with these types, however if you have inspiration mech outfit types I am happy to allow this to influence the final product.
Once the sketch has been approved there is no lee-way on asking for lineart changes further down the line
Dating Simulator (Animated) (£250)
Complexity charge of £30 for complex designs
For this particular type I ask that the client know the scenario that they would like their OC to be portrayed in (e.g poolside/coffee shop/cinema/etc) and personality prompts to assist in creating a script for the animation.
Animations will preferably be kept to less than 100 frames (text animation has biggest influence on this however) and I can animate for changes in expression and figure movement to convey laughter and other external emotion.
I am happy to do suggestive but I will not do NSFW scenarios